Careers Stats


Timeline overview

Here’s an overview of the common dichotomies of my career since 2014.

Have I been…

  • Building frontend features and/or backend tools?

  • Supporting Ecommerce and/or service based goals?

  • Was web or mobile (or both) the customer priority?

  • Supporting feature and/or content focused objectives?

A/B Testing

So much of my career has been centred around catalog which is typically deemed backend. The content and data input through catalog management tools must flow somewhere, and often this is to the frontend.

As such, I have written hypotheses based on content (PFP content and PLP attributes and data), as well as customer behaviour and engagement. Below is the number of feature or content focused A/B tests I ran per company.

Feature Focused

Content Focused

People Management

When I started my career, I believed that being a boss was important for your progression. I was sort of right.

Leading people can start with direct reports. Working with them on their workload, their development and their position within an organisation is incredibly value on a one-to-one basis. I discovered, also, that you can influence and lead others through your daily engagement, attitude and communication.

Below you can track my direct reports since 2014:

People Managed